How to Overcome Hair Loss Naturally, hair loss can happen to anyone, both women and men. Through the following article I try to share a little information about how to cope with hair loss naturally. Hopefully by knowing this information can inspire you to overcome your hair loss naturally.
Problems on the hair are not really dangerous, but enough to make embarrassed and worried. An example is that lice can cause itching. This will certainly make us ashamed if too often scratching our heads in public. We will certainly give the impression of lack of our hair hygiene. Moreover, hair loss will provide fears of baldness.
Hair loss is usually caused by stress that we experience because of too much thinking about something. In addition, hair loss can also be caused by heredity. So if anyone in our family is bald, we will also be able to experience the risk of hair loss and baldness.
In my opinion, the hair is a crown for every person, not just limited to women. Obviously we do not want damage to our crown, for example hair loss. Well, to cope with hair loss, you can follow some of the ways to overcome hair loss naturally follows.
Home » Archives for January 2014
Friday, 24 January 2014
How to Overcome Hair Loss Naturally
Written by: irpan sah
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Causes of Children with Hair Loss
Causes of Children with Hair Loss, Hair loss in children without us knowing it can happen. Children are the most precious treasure for every parent. Every parent would want their children to grow up healthy. Therefore, the child's health should be considered by every parent. One of the health problems in children that seldom we know is hair loss in children. Coping with hair loss is not an easy matter, therefore you should take notice.
Hair loss in children can occur at any time. Without us knowing our habits often scold the child will provide mental distress in children so that the child will experience stress. Things you need to know is children that experience stress would be easier to experience hair loss. Therefore, as a parent, you should be wise in dealing with your child's misbehavior. In addition, to prevent hair loss in children, you should know some of the causes of hair loss in children following.
Hair loss in children can occur at any time. Without us knowing our habits often scold the child will provide mental distress in children so that the child will experience stress. Things you need to know is children that experience stress would be easier to experience hair loss. Therefore, as a parent, you should be wise in dealing with your child's misbehavior. In addition, to prevent hair loss in children, you should know some of the causes of hair loss in children following.
Written by: irpan sah
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Male Baldness Pattern that you should know
Male Baldness Pattern that you should know, baldness in men is common and makes many men feel worried about going bald. Baldness is generally caused by a gene inborn and inherited by the mother. But not only that, your bad habits can also cause baldness. try to read my article on causes of baldness in men. In addition, baldness in man actually have a pattern.
I'm sure everyone doe not want to go bald because baldness can worsen the appearance. We cannot freely change the appearance if it is bald. In addition, baldness also makes a person feel old and unattractive. Therefore it has created a lot of anti-baldness medicine either chemically or naturally. But to ascertain whether you could potentially go bald or not, you should know some male baldness pattern below.
I'm sure everyone doe not want to go bald because baldness can worsen the appearance. We cannot freely change the appearance if it is bald. In addition, baldness also makes a person feel old and unattractive. Therefore it has created a lot of anti-baldness medicine either chemically or naturally. But to ascertain whether you could potentially go bald or not, you should know some male baldness pattern below.
Written by: irpan sah
Monday, 20 January 2014
Causes of Baldness in Men
Causes of Baldness in Men, Baldness are a scary thing for many men. This is because the baldness will spoil their appearance. When someone is experiencing hair loss then he cannot try different kinds of hair styles. This of course can lower a person's self-esteem and consider himself is no longer interesting. In addition, baldness is also often regarded as an indicator of a person's age so often makes people depressed and worried about baldness.
Symptoms of baldness in men are usually characterized by hair loss, thinning hair and hair growth is much rare. Various ways have been made to overcome baldness, but it was in vain because we cannot fight against genetic and age, except if baldness is caused by things that are not natural. To prevent baldness happens to you, you should consider a wide range of causes of baldness in men below.
Symptoms of baldness in men are usually characterized by hair loss, thinning hair and hair growth is much rare. Various ways have been made to overcome baldness, but it was in vain because we cannot fight against genetic and age, except if baldness is caused by things that are not natural. To prevent baldness happens to you, you should consider a wide range of causes of baldness in men below.
Written by: irpan sah
Saturday, 18 January 2014
How to Cope Hair Loss after Pregnancy
How to Cope Hair Loss after Pregnancy, Pregnancy is actually very pleasant. However, hormonal changes during pregnancy give many affects that make a pregnant woman does not enjoy her pregnancy. Many pregnant women who consider that after pregnancy, hormonal changes will stop. But it was wrong. Hormonal changes will still occur after childbirth until several months later.
One result of hormonal changes after pregnancy is hair loss. This makes many women feel anxious and depressed. Hair loss after pregnancy is a natural thing. Each of your hair loss will be replaced by new healthy hair. A few months later the growth cycle of your hair will return to normal. Here are some tips that you can try to overcome hair loss after pregnancy.
One result of hormonal changes after pregnancy is hair loss. This makes many women feel anxious and depressed. Hair loss after pregnancy is a natural thing. Each of your hair loss will be replaced by new healthy hair. A few months later the growth cycle of your hair will return to normal. Here are some tips that you can try to overcome hair loss after pregnancy.
Written by: irpan sah
Friday, 17 January 2014
Cause of Dead Tooth, you should Beware!
Cause of Dead Tooth, you should Beware! Tooth is a part of the body that needs special attention. This is due to its location in the mouth so hard to reach. Tooth hygiene must be maintained properly to prevent damage such as hole in the tooth. If the tooth has been damaged then it will be difficult to restore it to its original state. By contrast, if tooth decay occurs in children, it can still be overcome because children's teeth (baby teeth) can grow again. One of the tooth decay which seldom we know is a dead tooth.
For those of you who have never heard the term of dead tooth may be surprised. Tooth is the same as the other body part. If it does not get enough food then the teeth will die. The color of dead tooth over time will fade and no longer shine. Furthermore, the color will be gray and will eventually turn black.
When a dead tooth occurs on the graham tooth, you probably would not consider it as a problem. However, if the dead tooth occurs on the front tooth, it will be easily seen by others. This will certainly bring down your confidence. To prevent this from happening, you should be aware of the cause of dead tooth below.
For those of you who have never heard the term of dead tooth may be surprised. Tooth is the same as the other body part. If it does not get enough food then the teeth will die. The color of dead tooth over time will fade and no longer shine. Furthermore, the color will be gray and will eventually turn black.
When a dead tooth occurs on the graham tooth, you probably would not consider it as a problem. However, if the dead tooth occurs on the front tooth, it will be easily seen by others. This will certainly bring down your confidence. To prevent this from happening, you should be aware of the cause of dead tooth below.
Written by: irpan sah
Tooth Health
Thursday, 16 January 2014
The cause of the hole in the tooth
The cause of the hole in the tooth, Many people who have felt pain due to hole in the tooth. From their experience we already know how terrible the toothache due to hole in the tooth. Throbbing pain in the cavities will make us suffer and cannot do anything. This should be enough to make us care for our teeth properly.
Most of us sometimes often neglect our dental health. And if we had perforated teeth that means it's too late. The most effective solution to address the dental cavities are with pulling teeth. This is very detrimental because the adult teeth will not grow anymore. Therefore you should pay attention to the health of your teeth so as not to have hole in the tooth. For that you should consider the following causes of hole in the tooth.
Most of us sometimes often neglect our dental health. And if we had perforated teeth that means it's too late. The most effective solution to address the dental cavities are with pulling teeth. This is very detrimental because the adult teeth will not grow anymore. Therefore you should pay attention to the health of your teeth so as not to have hole in the tooth. For that you should consider the following causes of hole in the tooth.
Written by: irpan sah
Tooth Health
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
How to Easily Eliminate Acne Scars
How to Easily Eliminate Acne Scars, Acne is a health problem that can lower self-confidence. Acne that appears on the face will be easily visible, especially when acne appears in large quantities and difficult to remove. This is what makes people feel embarrassed and insecure. If you have managed to treat acne that you are experienced, it will display a new problem, namely acne scars.
Acne scars can also lower a person's level of confidence. Acne scars will make the skin look uneven or has a different hue. Acne scars are usually in the form of black spots that appear due to injury during the growing of acne. To get rid of acne scars is actually very easy. You can use the following methods to remove acne scars on your face.
Acne scars can also lower a person's level of confidence. Acne scars will make the skin look uneven or has a different hue. Acne scars are usually in the form of black spots that appear due to injury during the growing of acne. To get rid of acne scars is actually very easy. You can use the following methods to remove acne scars on your face.
Written by: irpan sah
Monday, 13 January 2014
Benefits of Coconut Oil can used to treat Acne
Benefits of Coconut Oil can used to treat Acne. Long time ago, coconut oil is known to have many benefits. Coconut oil can be used for frying. In addition, coconut oil can also be used as a medicine and beauty care ingredients. The use of coconut oil as a cure usually is as acne medication. Treating acne using coconut oil is quite potent and safe for the skin because it contains no chemicals.
Coconut oil has a high content of vitamin E. Vitamin E is very useful to aid the healing of skin damage. This is very good to treat acne and skin care. In addition, coconut oil also contains anti-bacterial so it is suitable to eliminate acne-causing bacteria on the face. And most importantly, coconut oil does not cause irritation to the skin so it is safe to use on skin without worrying about irritation.
Utilization of coconut oil to treat acne can be done by anyone because coconut oil has been produced and we are free to buy either at the mall or at the beauty center. The way is by made of coconut oil as a mask. If you have trouble to apply it, you can follow the way of treating acne using coconut oil below.
Coconut oil has a high content of vitamin E. Vitamin E is very useful to aid the healing of skin damage. This is very good to treat acne and skin care. In addition, coconut oil also contains anti-bacterial so it is suitable to eliminate acne-causing bacteria on the face. And most importantly, coconut oil does not cause irritation to the skin so it is safe to use on skin without worrying about irritation.
Utilization of coconut oil to treat acne can be done by anyone because coconut oil has been produced and we are free to buy either at the mall or at the beauty center. The way is by made of coconut oil as a mask. If you have trouble to apply it, you can follow the way of treating acne using coconut oil below.
Written by: irpan sah
Sunday, 12 January 2014
Baby Acne Treatment should be known by a Mother
Baby Acne Treatment should be known by a Mother, Acne is a pain in the form of small bumps that usually appear on the face. Acne usually occurs in young children who are teenagers or commonly known as puberty. In addition, acne is also common in pregnant women. This is due to hormonal changes that occur during puberty and pregnancy. But you should know that acne can also occur in babies.
Why acne can occur in babies? This is due to the influence of hormonal changes in the mother during pregnancy. Baby acne usually appears on the cheeks, chin and forehead. Form of baby acne is small spots and acne is usually appearing 3-4 weeks after birth. If your baby has acne, you are not allowed to scratch or squeezed the acne because they can cause irritation and permanent injuries. The way that you can use to treat acne in babies can be read at some point below.
Why acne can occur in babies? This is due to the influence of hormonal changes in the mother during pregnancy. Baby acne usually appears on the cheeks, chin and forehead. Form of baby acne is small spots and acne is usually appearing 3-4 weeks after birth. If your baby has acne, you are not allowed to scratch or squeezed the acne because they can cause irritation and permanent injuries. The way that you can use to treat acne in babies can be read at some point below.
Written by: irpan sah
Saturday, 11 January 2014
Natural Acne Remedies that Should You Try
Natural Acne Remedies that Should You Try, acne is actually not so dangerous, it's just annoying. For that through this article I try to share information about natural acne remedies. Hopefully this information will be an inspiration for you to cure acne naturally.
Acne is usually a sign that a person has grown into an adult. Usually this occurs when a child enters adolescence. But sometimes acne is not controlled in fact present excess. This will cause other problems such as lowered sense of self-confidence.
Well buddy, for those of you who are entering adolescence and found a lot of acne on your face, it's good to be treated immediately in order not to interfere with your confidence. If you are interested to treat and eliminate acne from your face, please just read natural acne remedies below.
Acne is usually a sign that a person has grown into an adult. Usually this occurs when a child enters adolescence. But sometimes acne is not controlled in fact present excess. This will cause other problems such as lowered sense of self-confidence.
Well buddy, for those of you who are entering adolescence and found a lot of acne on your face, it's good to be treated immediately in order not to interfere with your confidence. If you are interested to treat and eliminate acne from your face, please just read natural acne remedies below.
Written by: irpan sah
Friday, 10 January 2014
Types of Acne You Should Know
Types of Acne You Should Know. Acne is a common pain in the face or parts of the body that is oily and contains a lot of fat. Acne is usually influenced by hormonal changes as commonly occurs during puberty and pregnancy. In addition, the causes of acne are usually dirt that clogs the pores so that the oil produced by skin glands cannot be excluded, the result is irritation occurs and after a few days will produce pus.
Oily skin types are usually susceptible to acne. This is because oily skin will cause dust and dirt easily attached. If not cleaned, it will clog pores and produce acne. Therefore, whatever your skin types, you should be diligent cleaning, especially after traveling from outside so as not to cause acne.
In fact, there are many types of acne. Type of acne that occurs to me is not necessarily the same as the type of acne that occurs to you. There is acne easily lost and there is also acne will not go away despite providing any kind of acne medication. It is influenced by a person's skin type and activity. To be clearer about what kind of acne, please read some types of acne below.
Oily skin types are usually susceptible to acne. This is because oily skin will cause dust and dirt easily attached. If not cleaned, it will clog pores and produce acne. Therefore, whatever your skin types, you should be diligent cleaning, especially after traveling from outside so as not to cause acne.
In fact, there are many types of acne. Type of acne that occurs to me is not necessarily the same as the type of acne that occurs to you. There is acne easily lost and there is also acne will not go away despite providing any kind of acne medication. It is influenced by a person's skin type and activity. To be clearer about what kind of acne, please read some types of acne below.
Written by: irpan sah
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Health: How to Treat Sore Throat during Pregnancy
Health: How to Treat Sore Throat during Pregnancy, One health problem that often occurs is a sore throat. Sore throat is a common illness, but very disturbing comfort. Sore throat is usually accompanied with cough and flu. The cause of sore throat is a bacteria and a virus that attacks the throat, especially when the condition of our immune system was weak.
Sore throat is very disturbing, especially if the sore throat occurs in pregnant women. Many pregnant women suffer due to a sore throat, especially if the sore throat is accompanied by a cough. In addition, the older the age of the pregnancy will create greater perceived effect. A pregnant woman stated that she had chest pain due to coughing when experiencing a sore throat. This will certainly give rise to concerns about the health of babies in the womb and potentially cause depression in pregnant women.
To treat a sore throat is actually very easy. But the problems is when a sore throat occurs in a pregnant woman. Administration of medicines to pregnant women is particularly at risk to infant growth and development in the womb. Therefore if you want to give the medication to pregnant women should by a doctor's advice. But for those of you who want to use the natural way, you can try to treat sore throat in pregnant women use the following way.
Sore throat is very disturbing, especially if the sore throat occurs in pregnant women. Many pregnant women suffer due to a sore throat, especially if the sore throat is accompanied by a cough. In addition, the older the age of the pregnancy will create greater perceived effect. A pregnant woman stated that she had chest pain due to coughing when experiencing a sore throat. This will certainly give rise to concerns about the health of babies in the womb and potentially cause depression in pregnant women.
To treat a sore throat is actually very easy. But the problems is when a sore throat occurs in a pregnant woman. Administration of medicines to pregnant women is particularly at risk to infant growth and development in the womb. Therefore if you want to give the medication to pregnant women should by a doctor's advice. But for those of you who want to use the natural way, you can try to treat sore throat in pregnant women use the following way.
Written by: irpan sah
Sore Throat
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Soothe Sore Throat with Ease
Soothe Sore Throat with Ease. One of the health problems commonly experienced by many people is sore throat. Sore throat is usually accompanied by flu, in other words a sore throat is symptoms of the flu. But not all sore throat is the first sign of flu. There are sore throats that happen without accompanied by flu.
Sore throats are usually caused by viruses and bacteria. Viruses and bacteria will attack the throat and vocal cords so that causing pain. Early symptoms of sore throat are usually characterized by difficult in swallowing, sore throat, hoarseness and many other signs.
If you get a sore throat you will definitely feel uncomfortable because it is hard to swallow when eating. In addition, sore throat will also cause hard to sleep because there is a feeling of discomfort in the throat. To soothe a sore throat is actually very easy. You can buy a sore throat medicine in pharmacies everywhere. But if you want to use a natural way, you can use natural ways to soothe sore throat with ease below.
Sore throats are usually caused by viruses and bacteria. Viruses and bacteria will attack the throat and vocal cords so that causing pain. Early symptoms of sore throat are usually characterized by difficult in swallowing, sore throat, hoarseness and many other signs.
If you get a sore throat you will definitely feel uncomfortable because it is hard to swallow when eating. In addition, sore throat will also cause hard to sleep because there is a feeling of discomfort in the throat. To soothe a sore throat is actually very easy. You can buy a sore throat medicine in pharmacies everywhere. But if you want to use a natural way, you can use natural ways to soothe sore throat with ease below.
Written by: irpan sah
Sore Throat
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
Pregnancy Acne, One Health Problems during Pregnancy, Resolve Using this Method
Pregnancy Acne, One Health Problems during Pregnancy, Resolve using this Method, a woman prioritizes her appearance. However, this does not apply to a woman who is pregnant. The body of a woman who is pregnant will experience hormonal changes. Hormonal changes in pregnant women are very beneficial for the growth and development of the fetus in the womb. But other effects are a women's face look dull and grow a lot of acne.
The growth of many acne due to hormonal changes sometimes make many women feel anxious, especially for women who are very concerned about this appearance. If the worry is allowed then it could potentially lead to depression in pregnant women. In addition, a significant weight gain in a short time will make the body of a pregnant woman look fat and unattractive. Moreover, it also has the potential to cause stretch marks on the abdomen.
Pregnancy acne makes pregnant women often anxious. Moreover, pregnancy acne is usually grown in large sizes. To help you so you do not feel anxious, use this method to treat pregnancy acne.
The growth of many acne due to hormonal changes sometimes make many women feel anxious, especially for women who are very concerned about this appearance. If the worry is allowed then it could potentially lead to depression in pregnant women. In addition, a significant weight gain in a short time will make the body of a pregnant woman look fat and unattractive. Moreover, it also has the potential to cause stretch marks on the abdomen.
Pregnancy acne makes pregnant women often anxious. Moreover, pregnancy acne is usually grown in large sizes. To help you so you do not feel anxious, use this method to treat pregnancy acne.
Written by: irpan sah
Monday, 6 January 2014
How to Treat Pregnancy Stretch Mark
How to Treat Pregnancy Stretch Mark, A woman prioritizes her appearance. Various methods are used to beautify the appearance to look beautiful and attractive. But this will be the opposite when a woman is pregnant. A pregnant woman will experience weight gain and will look fat. In addition, the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy will make the face of a pregnant woman looks dull and full of acne. This is what makes a woman pregnant often experience depression during pregnancy. In addition, the pregnant woman's abdomen will usually appear stretch marks. This makes a lot of pregnant women worried about their appearance.
Stretch marks are common in pregnant women. This is due to the stretching of the skin exceeds its elastic limit and occur within a short time. The body of a pregnant woman who often appeared stretch marks is the abdomen. Stretch marks will be more apparent when the stomach is getting bigger. Not only pregnant women but also people who experience significant weight gain in a short time will experience stretch mark. But don't worry. You can use the following ways to treat pregnancy stretch marks.
Stretch marks are common in pregnant women. This is due to the stretching of the skin exceeds its elastic limit and occur within a short time. The body of a pregnant woman who often appeared stretch marks is the abdomen. Stretch marks will be more apparent when the stomach is getting bigger. Not only pregnant women but also people who experience significant weight gain in a short time will experience stretch mark. But don't worry. You can use the following ways to treat pregnancy stretch marks.
Written by: irpan sah
Sunday, 5 January 2014
How to Treat Constipation during Pregnancy Easily
How to Treat Constipation during Pregnancy Easily, health problems that often experienced by pregnant women is constipation. During pregnancy, a pregnant woman's body will produce hormones that are beneficial for development and keep the fetus in the womb. But the side effects of the formation of these hormones are the slowing of the performance of the digestive system resulting in accumulation of food residue. Therefore, a pregnant woman is likely to experience constipation.
Constipation in pregnancy women must be overcome because of the potential causes of hemorrhoids. The enlargement of the uterus will put pressure on the blood vessels and lower intestine so that when given the slightest pressure will cause blood vessel dilation. Pregnant women who suffer from constipation will definitely push it firmly during defecation. This will lead to hemorrhoids. To avoid this, you should immediately address the constipation that occurs in pregnant women. Here is a natural way that you can try to treat constipation during pregnancy.
Constipation in pregnancy women must be overcome because of the potential causes of hemorrhoids. The enlargement of the uterus will put pressure on the blood vessels and lower intestine so that when given the slightest pressure will cause blood vessel dilation. Pregnant women who suffer from constipation will definitely push it firmly during defecation. This will lead to hemorrhoids. To avoid this, you should immediately address the constipation that occurs in pregnant women. Here is a natural way that you can try to treat constipation during pregnancy.
Written by: irpan sah
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Migraines during Pregnancy and How to Treat It
Migraines during Pregnancy and How to Treat It, Migraine is one of health problems that are common during pregnancy. Migraine is different from the usual headache. The pain usually appears during a migraine usually sharp and throbbing. Moreover, migraine accompanied by nausea, body feels weak and no appetite. The head is the body part that is usually experienced migraines.
Migraine is actually not always harmful, but you must be careful, especially if migraine occurs during pregnancy. Migraine will make a pregnant woman so helpless and should be lying in bed during the day. This is certainly not good for a pregnant woman's body fitness. In addition, migraine is related to dilation of blood vessels in the head and is usually accompanied by an inflammatory reaction.
To treat migraine is actually very easy. You can do with medicines to relieve migraine. But the problem is when migraine occurs during pregnancy. Giving the medicine in pregnant women should not be done haphazardly because it can be bad for fetus in the womb. If you want to give a migraine medication to a pregnant woman should be with a doctor's advice. The safest way to treat migraine during pregnancy is to use natural ways.
Migraine is actually not always harmful, but you must be careful, especially if migraine occurs during pregnancy. Migraine will make a pregnant woman so helpless and should be lying in bed during the day. This is certainly not good for a pregnant woman's body fitness. In addition, migraine is related to dilation of blood vessels in the head and is usually accompanied by an inflammatory reaction.
To treat migraine is actually very easy. You can do with medicines to relieve migraine. But the problem is when migraine occurs during pregnancy. Giving the medicine in pregnant women should not be done haphazardly because it can be bad for fetus in the womb. If you want to give a migraine medication to a pregnant woman should be with a doctor's advice. The safest way to treat migraine during pregnancy is to use natural ways.
Written by: irpan sah
Friday, 3 January 2014
Indigestion During Pregnancy and How to Treat It
Indigestion during Pregnancy and How to Treat It, a lot of changes that occur in pregnant women. This is caused by a variety of hormones that are formed during the process of pregnancy. Hormonal changes during pregnancy are not only beneficial but also can give side effects such as indigestion disorders and depression during pregnancy. Other disorders that commonly occur during pregnancy are back pain, constipation and diarrhea.
Indigestion in pregnant women is usually in the form of nausea and vomiting. This disorder usually occurs in the first trimester and will be reduced when the second trimester of pregnancy. In the second trimester, indigestion in pregnant women is in the form of a burning sensation in the gastrointestinal tract. While in the third trimester, indigestion that experienced by pregnant women is usually a hemorrhoid and constipation. A wide variety of indigestion will cause an uncomfortable feeling in pregnant women. Therefore indigestion should be addressed immediately.
Indigestion in pregnant women is usually in the form of nausea and vomiting. This disorder usually occurs in the first trimester and will be reduced when the second trimester of pregnancy. In the second trimester, indigestion in pregnant women is in the form of a burning sensation in the gastrointestinal tract. While in the third trimester, indigestion that experienced by pregnant women is usually a hemorrhoid and constipation. A wide variety of indigestion will cause an uncomfortable feeling in pregnant women. Therefore indigestion should be addressed immediately.
Written by: irpan sah
Thursday, 2 January 2014
How to Treat Depression during Pregnancy
How to Treat Depression during Pregnancy, Not a few people who have been married a long time but could not get a descent. Pregnancy is a gift and also great sustenance given by God to a family. Pregnancy is a very exciting and eagerly awaited by the couple as indicating the presence will be a new member in the family they built.
In the process of pregnancy, not everything is going well and running smoothly. A pregnant woman can experience a wide variety of health problems such as hemorrhoid, diarrhea, and flu. In addition, a pregnant woman may also experience depression during pregnancy. Depression during pregnancy is normal and common, but if allowed to drag on will give a bad impact on the fetus in the womb. Therefore, a pregnant woman must be very clever to find entertainment so that she did not have depression.
Causes of Depression during Pregnancy
Depression during pregnancy is a mood disorder that occurs in pregnant women during pregnancy. Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy is one of the causes of depression in pregnant women. Moreover, the worry facing childbirth, pregnancy problems and less number of breaks also be the cause of depression in pregnant women. In addition there are many other factors which may cause the occurrence of depression during pregnancy.
Symptoms of Depression during Pregnancy
Symptoms of depression during pregnancy can be characterized by frequent mood changes, feeling sad, irritable, and anxious. Moreover difficulty concentrating, lack of interest in doing something and feel guilty also be a sign of depression in pregnant women. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should immediately discuss it with your couple. In addition, note also how to treat depression during pregnancy below.
In the process of pregnancy, not everything is going well and running smoothly. A pregnant woman can experience a wide variety of health problems such as hemorrhoid, diarrhea, and flu. In addition, a pregnant woman may also experience depression during pregnancy. Depression during pregnancy is normal and common, but if allowed to drag on will give a bad impact on the fetus in the womb. Therefore, a pregnant woman must be very clever to find entertainment so that she did not have depression.
Causes of Depression during Pregnancy
Depression during pregnancy is a mood disorder that occurs in pregnant women during pregnancy. Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy is one of the causes of depression in pregnant women. Moreover, the worry facing childbirth, pregnancy problems and less number of breaks also be the cause of depression in pregnant women. In addition there are many other factors which may cause the occurrence of depression during pregnancy.
Symptoms of Depression during Pregnancy
Symptoms of depression during pregnancy can be characterized by frequent mood changes, feeling sad, irritable, and anxious. Moreover difficulty concentrating, lack of interest in doing something and feel guilty also be a sign of depression in pregnant women. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should immediately discuss it with your couple. In addition, note also how to treat depression during pregnancy below.
Written by: irpan sah
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
Pregnancy Hormone Levels should be Considered
Pregnancy hormone levels should be considered, at the time of pregnancy, a pregnant woman's body will form a lot of hormones that are beneficial for the development and safety of the fetus in the womb. One of the beneficial hormones is the hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Keep in mind that these hormones that cause a pregnant woman often experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
HCG hormone is formed in the early fetal growth. This hormone is produced by the outer layer of tissue that surrounds the fetus and placenta. The function of HCG hormone is to maintain the existing yellow tissue in the ovaries. This network is formed when the ovaries (ovarian) release eggs. The HCG hormone is what makes the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and placenta into perfect shape.
In addition, the HCG hormone is also useful to detect the pregnancy because HCG hormone will be formed after the fertilization process. Detect the pregnancy through the test of HCG hormone levels can be done through urine and blood. If using the urine, normally HCG hormone be detected 12-14 days after conception while if through the blood, HCG hormone will be detected 11 days after conception.
HCG hormone will increase by 2-fold every 72 hours and then will peak when the pregnancy reaches the age of 8-11 weeks and will decrease during the remainder of the pregnancy. For more details, please pay attention to the level of HCG hormone levels in pregnant women following based on the last menstrual period.
HCG hormone is formed in the early fetal growth. This hormone is produced by the outer layer of tissue that surrounds the fetus and placenta. The function of HCG hormone is to maintain the existing yellow tissue in the ovaries. This network is formed when the ovaries (ovarian) release eggs. The HCG hormone is what makes the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and placenta into perfect shape.
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HCG hormone will increase by 2-fold every 72 hours and then will peak when the pregnancy reaches the age of 8-11 weeks and will decrease during the remainder of the pregnancy. For more details, please pay attention to the level of HCG hormone levels in pregnant women following based on the last menstrual period.
Written by: irpan sah
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