Google Benefits of Coconut Oil can used to treat Acne

Monday, 13 January 2014

Benefits of Coconut Oil can used to treat Acne

Benefits of Coconut Oil can used to treat Acne. Long time ago, coconut oil is known to have many benefits. Coconut oil can be used for frying. In addition, coconut oil can also be used as a medicine and beauty care ingredients. The use of coconut oil as a cure usually is as acne medication. Treating acne using coconut oil is quite potent and safe for the skin because it contains no chemicals.

Coconut oil has a high content of vitamin E. Vitamin E is very useful to aid the healing of skin damage. This is very good to treat acne and skin care. In addition, coconut oil also contains anti-bacterial so it is suitable to eliminate acne-causing bacteria on the face. And most importantly, coconut oil does not cause irritation to the skin so it is safe to use on skin without worrying about irritation.

Utilization of coconut oil to treat acne can be done by anyone because coconut oil has been produced and we are free to buy either at the mall or at the beauty center. The way is by made of coconut oil as a mask. If you have trouble to apply it, you can follow the way of treating acne using coconut oil below.

How to treat acne using coconut oil

Benefits of coconut oil can used to treat acne
Picture by Googling
1. 2 tbsp of coconut oil
2. 1 tsp of honey
3. 1 tbsp of yogurt
4. 1 egg (take yellow only)


1. Mix all ingredients until well blended.

2. Clean your face using warm water. It aims to make your pores are more open so that the dirt is easy to clean.

3. Apply this medicine on your face and avoid the area around the eyes and mouth.

4. Let stand for 30 minutes.

5. Rinse off using warm water and then rinse again in cold water. The uses of cold water in the second rinse aiming to close back your pores.

6. Dry your face using a soft towel.

7. Perform this treatment once a week. If you want more leverage, you can do every day before going to bed.

That is information about benefits of coconut oil can used to treat acne. Hopefully this information is useful to you. In addition, also read another article on baby acne treatment should be known by a mother. Thank you for your visit.

Related Post Acne ,Health

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