Google Causes of Baldness in Men

Monday, 20 January 2014

Causes of Baldness in Men

Causes of Baldness in Men, Baldness are a scary thing for many men. This is because the baldness will spoil their appearance. When someone is experiencing hair loss then he cannot try different kinds of hair styles. This of course can lower a person's self-esteem and consider himself is no longer interesting. In addition, baldness is also often regarded as an indicator of a person's age so often makes people depressed and worried about baldness.

Symptoms of baldness in men are usually characterized by hair loss, thinning hair and hair growth is much rare. Various ways have been made to overcome baldness, but it was in vain because we cannot fight against genetic and age, except if baldness is caused by things that are not natural. To prevent baldness happens to you, you should consider a wide range of causes of baldness in men below.

Causes of Baldness in Men

1. Genetic
cause of baldness in men
Picture by Googling
Genetic factors are one of the causes of baldness in men. If your parents have a balding gene then you most likely will go bald. These genes are usually sourced from the mother instead of the father. Therefore, to determine whether you could potentially go bald or not then take a look at the brothers of your mother. If there are bald then you are also potentially go bald.

2. Shampoo
Shampooing is aims to make hair healthy and free from dandruff. But we need to know that wash will remove the natural oils produced by the scalp. The function of the oil is to maintain health and hair moisture. Frequent shampooing will make the natural oils replaced with chemicals. This will make the hair become dry and brittle so easily fall out. Baldness risk will increase if we often replace the shampoo that we use.

3. Stress
Stress is one cause of baldness in men. Stress will make unbalanced hormones that cause hair follicles to die. That way the hair will begin to fall out and will eventually lead to balding.

4. Blood flow is not current
Baldness in men can be caused by blood flow that is not smooth. Nutrition for hair comes from the nutrients in the blood. If blood flow is obstructed or not smooth, it will hinder the flow of nutrients to the hair. With so hair will be unhealthy and will experience a loss. If it last longer, it will cause baldness.

5. Unhealthy Eating
Unhealthy eating is also a cause of baldness in men. Hair is actually made from a certain kind of protein. Unhealthy eating like eating junk food, fatty foods and foods that contain a lot of salt will make your body less of protein. Lack of protein can make your hair fall out and cause a risk of baldness. In addition, iron deficiency is also a cause of baldness.

6. Health Problems
Health problems such as hyperthyroidism, lupus and diabetes also cause baldness in men. It is because of these health problems can impair the growth of the hair follicle.

7. Hair Care
Hair treatment which uses chemicals also causes baldness in men. This is because the chemicals can damage the hair so the hair becomes easy to fall off. In addition, certain hairstyles such as spikes are also a cause of baldness in men because it can attract and damage the hair follicle.

Hopefully the information about the cause of baldness in men could be useful for you. In addition, also read another article on how to cope hair loss after pregnancy. Thank you for your visit.

Related Post Baldness ,Health

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