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Showing posts with label Diarrhea. Show all posts

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Beware of Infant Diarrhea Can Cause Death

Beware of Infant Diarrhea Can Cause Death, the rainy season usually occurs outbreaks of diarrhea. This is because many water sources are contaminated by bacteria that cause diarrhea. Patients with diarrhea could be anyone. Diarrhea can occur in pregnant women even in infants.

The cause of diarrhea is usually caused by bacteria that attack the digestive system but also not infrequently diarrhea caused by an allergy to a food. Symptoms of diarrhea are usually characterized by frequent bowel movements and abdominal pain.

Preventing diarrhea is a smart move to save the lives of your loved ones because diarrhea can cause death. Especially if diarrhea is happen in infant. If not handled properly, it will cause the baby died. For that reason you should be aware the symptoms of diarrhea in infants.

Symptoms of Diarrhea in Infants

Beware of infant diarrhea can cause death
Picture by Google
Diarrhea in infants is usually characterized by symptoms such as the following.
1. Increased frequency of bowel movements. If usually 2-5 times a day could be three times that number even more.
2. Liquid feces.
3. Rarely urination because the baby is dehydrated.
4. Sometimes accompanied by vomiting and fever.
5. Allergy to cow's milk.

To treat diarrhea in infants is actually very easy. The problem is the administration of medicines in infants should not be arbitrary because it can be bad for the baby. You can tray the following ways to overcome infant diarrhea so that you are not wrong in treating diarrhea in infants.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Pregnancy Diarrhea is Common in Pregnant Women, Beware!

Pregnancy Diarrhea is Common in Pregnant Women, Beware! Diarrhea can happen to anyone. Diarrhea can occur in pregnant women and children under five. Generally, diarrhea symptoms are in the form of abdominal pain and frequent bowel movements. The cause of diarrhea is usually caused by bacteria that attack the digestive system. These bacteria enter our body together with food and beverages that we eat.

How to treat diarrhea is very easy, you can consume anti-diarrhea medication or use natural ways to treat diarrhea. In addition, consuming lots of drinking water was one of the ways to cure diarrhea. Because diarrhea is a disease that can be cured without treatment, we need to do just to keep the body hydrated.

But the problem is if diarrhea occurs in pregnant women. Pregnancy diarrhea should not be treated carelessly. Provision of anti-diarrhea medicine in pregnant women can be bad effect for pregnant women. You should be aware of diarrhea in pregnant women and handled with care.

Cause of Diarrhea in Pregnancy

How to cure the pregnancy diarrhea in pregnant women
Picture by Google
Diarrhea is usually caused by bacteria and viruses. But it is different if diarrhea occurs in pregnant women because of diarrhea in pregnant women may be caused by allergies to certain foods and drinks. Many pregnant women experience diarrhea from drinking milk maternity but after switching to another product, the diarrhea does not happen again.

In addition, hormonal changes during pregnancy also causes pregnancy diarrhea. Pregnant women usually no appetite, they want spicy and acidic foods. This is always familiar with cravings. It is also the cause of diarrhea in pregnant women because both these foods are the food that cause of diarrhea and can interfere with the performance of the digestive system. Condition vulnerable of pregnant women and is often the stress is also a cause of pregnancy diarrhea.

Monday, 23 December 2013

How to Prevent Diarrhea With Easy

How to Prevent Diarrhea with Easy, many people underestimate diarrhea. Diarrhea can lead to death. Especially if diarrhea occurs in infants, the risk of death increased because toddlers cannot convey what they feel so we cannot do the proper treatment of diarrhea.

In addition to the toddler, diarrhea can also occur in pregnant women. This is due to hormonal changes and other things that only occur during pregnancy. The cause diarrhea usually comes from bacteria that enter the body along with the food that we eat. Common symptoms of diarrhea are abdominal pain and frequent bowel movements. The best way to deal with diarrhea is to prevent it. Here's how you can try to prevent diarrhea happen to you.

Sunday, 22 December 2013

How to Cure Diarrhea without Medicines

How to Cure Diarrhea without Medicines, diarrhea is a pain that we often encounter. So often, sometimes we often overlook and underestimate the pain of this one. And if left untreated, diarrhea can cause death of the patient due to loss of body fluid.

Diarrhea is usually caused by bacteria that get into our bodies as a result of not maintaining hand hygiene habits and do not maintain the cleanliness of the food that we eat. In the body, these bacteria will invade our digestive system, the result of course we will feel abdominal pain and always wants to defecate. Additionally habits we often consume excessive spicy foods may be the cause of diarrhea.

To determine whether or not you attacked diarrhea, diarrhea usually preceded by symptoms of abdominal pain, you will feel nausea and vomiting. Next you will defecate constantly, felt no appetite and your body will feel sluggish due to a lot of loss of body fluids.

Cure diarrhea can you do with a lot of water consumed. This is done to replace your body fluids as a result of defecation persistent. As for natural ways, you can try several ways to cure diarrhea without medication follows.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Diarrhea Causes Can Come From Anywhere, Beware!

Diarrhea Causes Can Come From Anywhere, Beware! Diarrhea is resulting in lots of pain in bowel although it was only in the form of liquids only. This would result in a lack of fluids in the body. If not addressed it could lead to suffocation and dehydration can even lead to death because the body loses a lot of fluids.

Diarrhea can strike at any time. But in general, diarrhea is common in the rainy season. This is because many sources of drinking water contaminated by bacteria that cause diarrhea. Diarrhea need to watch because diarrhea can affect anyone young or old, diarrhea can occur during pregnancy and diarrhea may occur in infants.

There are so many symptoms of diarrhea that need our attention. However, the most common symptom is diarrhea with abdominal pain and frequent bowel movements have always wanted. Judging from the result which is quite a hassle, then you need to keep your family from an attack of diarrhea. One thing you can do is to look at the various causes of diarrhea following.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Diarrhea Symptoms that You Need to Know

Diarrhea Symptoms that You Need to Know, Diarrhae generally attack during the rainy season. This is because the river often overflows during the rainy season. This will facilitate the spread of bacteria that cause diarrhea simultaneously overflowing river water. Besides the frequent habit of people pooping in the river is also a factor that causing diarrhea spreads easily.

Diarrhea can affect anyone. Even pregnant women can be a person with diarrhea. The impact is frequent bowel movement. Of course this will interfere with your activities. To keep your loved ones from diarrhea, you should know the cause of diarrhea and diarrhea symptoms that are easily detected and quickly done treatment measures. Information on symptoms of diarrhea can be read through some of the following points. 

Thursday, 19 December 2013

What is Diarrhea and How It is Transmitted

What is Diarrhea and How It is Transmitted, have experienced abdominal pain, bowel movement always wanted but that came only in the form of a liquid? If you ever feel it, that is the name of diarrhea. Diarrhea is a health problem that many people experience.

There are so many causes of diarrhea, but diarrhea is usually caused by bacteria that enter the body come along with the food we eat. Bacteria that enter the body will attack the digestive system. As a result of our digestive system is disrupted and cannot function properly.

Roadside snack habits are bad habits. This is due to snacks that we bought on the street is not necessarily guaranteed to be clean so that allows the entrance of diarrhea-causing bacteria into our bodies. Moreover, the habit of not washing hands before eating is also one of the causes of diarrhea in you.

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