Google Pregnancy Diarrhea is Common in Pregnant Women, Beware!

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Pregnancy Diarrhea is Common in Pregnant Women, Beware!

Pregnancy Diarrhea is Common in Pregnant Women, Beware! Diarrhea can happen to anyone. Diarrhea can occur in pregnant women and children under five. Generally, diarrhea symptoms are in the form of abdominal pain and frequent bowel movements. The cause of diarrhea is usually caused by bacteria that attack the digestive system. These bacteria enter our body together with food and beverages that we eat.

How to treat diarrhea is very easy, you can consume anti-diarrhea medication or use natural ways to treat diarrhea. In addition, consuming lots of drinking water was one of the ways to cure diarrhea. Because diarrhea is a disease that can be cured without treatment, we need to do just to keep the body hydrated.

But the problem is if diarrhea occurs in pregnant women. Pregnancy diarrhea should not be treated carelessly. Provision of anti-diarrhea medicine in pregnant women can be bad effect for pregnant women. You should be aware of diarrhea in pregnant women and handled with care.

Cause of Diarrhea in Pregnancy

How to cure the pregnancy diarrhea in pregnant women
Picture by Google
Diarrhea is usually caused by bacteria and viruses. But it is different if diarrhea occurs in pregnant women because of diarrhea in pregnant women may be caused by allergies to certain foods and drinks. Many pregnant women experience diarrhea from drinking milk maternity but after switching to another product, the diarrhea does not happen again.

In addition, hormonal changes during pregnancy also causes pregnancy diarrhea. Pregnant women usually no appetite, they want spicy and acidic foods. This is always familiar with cravings. It is also the cause of diarrhea in pregnant women because both these foods are the food that cause of diarrhea and can interfere with the performance of the digestive system. Condition vulnerable of pregnant women and is often the stress is also a cause of pregnancy diarrhea.

How to Treat The Pregnancy Diarrhea

To treat the pregnancy diarrhea, pregnant women should not use medicines recklessly. Anti-diarrhea medicines that are hard can cause adverse effects in the fetus. Therefore you should be careful in giving diarrhea medicines to pregnant women. How to treat diarrhea that is safe for pregnant women is as follows.

1. Drinking Water
Diarrhea will cause frequent bowel movements. Bowel movements are too often will cause the body to dehydrate. By drinking lots of water will restore fluids that lost through bowel movements so that the body is weak because of dehydration. This is the safe way to treat the pregnancy diarrhea.

2. Drinking the Oral Re-hydration
To treat diarrhea in pregnant women, you can use oral re-hydration. This serves drinks to replace fluids and electrolytes in the body that lost due to defecation. The drinks are safe for pregnant women and no adverse effect on the fetus.

3. Replacing Dairy Pregnant Women
Diarrhea in pregnant women can also be caused due to incompatible with the milk of pregnant women who frequently consumed. There are so many pregnant women who suffer diarrhea because they are not fit with the milk that they always drinking. Wen replacing milk products then the diarrhea is also missing.

4. Drinking Guava Juice
Guava is known can be used to treat diarrhea and it is safe for pregnant women. You can use guava to treat diarrhea in pregnant women by drinking guava juice. You can make your own or buy it in the store.

If you have a wife who is pregnant, you should keep her every time and everywhere. Because a pregnant woman in a state of vulnerable and need to protection for the safety of the fetus. To make your pregnant wife safe from the pregnancy diarrhea, you should read the article on how to prevent diarrhea easily, because prevention is better than cure.

Related Post Diarrhea ,Health ,Pregnancy

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